Portfolio Optimization
Before the 2008 Financial Crisis, FIDERE's portfolio models were operated in a bank brokerage. Today, the bank no longer exists, but the Signature Five™ portfolio models have continued. The five portfolio strategies use Modern Portfolio Theory to measure both diversification and optimization, based on the Capital Asset Pricing Model. For your plans, these time-tested models seek to fund life goals with reduced volatility, and consistency of performance. For more information, connect to Portfolio Optimization Services.
Wealth Maximization
FIDERE's Wealth Maximization service is delivered using a life planning approach found in the Life Cycle of Wealth™ book, by Aaron Kolkman. Originally published in 2010, the book was expanded in 2018-2019, and is being revised in 2023. FIDERE adheres to a comprehensive planning process with 2-3 initial meetings over a time period ranging from 2 weeks to 60 days. Client deliverables include a completed balance sheet, forward-looking cash flow analysis, and a complete plan document, including tailored advice across 7 key areas: 1) cash flow, 2) taxes, 3) retirement, 4) investments, 5) insurance, 6) estate, and 7) benefits. For more information, connect to Wealth Maximization Services.
Legacy Planning & Wealth Transfer
The legacy planning process at FIDERE will clarify the messages you want to send to your beneficiaries, and cement your wealth transfer plans. It helps you work through answers to essential questions, organize your affairs, and arrive at the details needed to move wealth forward to new generations. For more information, connect to Legacy Planning Services.
Advanced Business Planning
In 2021-2022, FIDERE expanded its personal planning offerings to assist business owners and their families with integrating business and personal planning. This holistic estate--driven process uses advanced planning techniques to bring your family value for generations seeks to maximize wealth, manage risk, and leave a legacy. Business-level planning often includes valuations, qualified retirement planning, executive compensation, key employee retention, and succession planning. For more information, please visit Advanced Business Planning.
Family Office Services
In 2023, FIDERE launched Family Office Services (FOS) to deliver multiple ongoing services simultaneously, including advanced personal and/or business planning. Through FOS, FIDERE acts to meet the ongoing, holistic financial needs of its clients and their entities. Multiple services may include any combination of the firm’s other services: wealth maximization, portfolio optimization, legacy planning and wealth transfer, and advanced business planning. This offering is designed for families with $10,000,000 or more of balance sheet (net) assets. For more information, please visit Family Office Services.